I am engaged in a project to produce mutopia-compatible versions of the piano music of May Aufderheide, assuming we don't run into copyright problems. (According to US Law, the music is out of copyright, but in Europe it is not; for this reason, it can't be accepted as part of the Mutopia project.)
If you have any comments, please send them to LeBlanc@mcc.ac.uk.
This music is released under the MutopiaBSD License. This is available as a gzipped PostScript file, and contains the following information:
Permission is hereby granted, without written agreement and without license or royalty fees, to use, copy, modify, distribute, perform, and record this music, and to distribute, perform, and record modified versions of this music for any purpose, provided that the above copyright notice, this paragraph, and the following disclaimer appear with all copies of this music, whatever the format of the copy, printed audio, or otherwise.
This music is provided "as is", without warranty of any kind, express or implied, including but nto limited to the warranties of merchantability, fitness for a particular purpose, and noninfringement.
Note: if you want to obtain this music under some other license, do let me know; send email to LeBlanc@mcc.ac.uk.
This site contains for each completed piece of music the following files:
A lilypond source file (gzipped). For more information about lilypond, see the lilypond web site. I have been using lilypond version 1.3.139; there are often bugs in these unstable releases, but there are too many changes to keep up with! The source should conform to the standards of the mutopia project. For more information about the mutopia project, see the Mutopia web site. For more information about gzip, see the gzip web site.
A printable score in PostScript format (gzipped); it should fit on A4 or Letter sized paper.
A midi file (gzipped). This is not a performance version, but is simply a file which lilypond produces when processing the source. It can be used to get an idea of how the piece sounds.
An mpeg (.mp3) file produced from the midi file. For the sake of those who wish to copy this without playing it, it is also available with the extension .mbin.
Dusty 1908 gzipped lilypond source gzipped printable score (PostScript) gzipped midi file playable mpeg renamed mpeg for downloading Richmond Rag 1908 Buzzer Rag 1909 gzipped lilypond source gzipped printable score (PostScript) gzipped midi file playable mpeg renamed mpeg for downloading The Thriller! 1909 gzipped lilypond source gzipped printable score (PostScript) gzipped midi file playable mpeg renamed mpeg for downloading A Totally Different Rag 1910 gzipped lilypond source gzipped printable score (PostScript) gzipped midi file playable mpeg renamed mpeg for downloading Blue Ribbon Rag 1910 Novelty Rag 1911 gzipped lilypond source gzipped printable score (PostScript) gzipped midi file playable mpeg renamed mpeg for downloading