May 2000 | Ph.D., History, Johns Hopkins University Graduate fields: Colonial British America; The American South; The African Diaspora; Caribbean Anthropology |
November 1994 | M.A., History, Johns Hopkins University, with distinction |
May 1988 | B.A., History, Cornell University |
Fall 2000 - | Lecturer in History and American Studies, University of Manchester |
Fall 1999 | Visiting Instructor, St. Louis University |
1996-1999 | Adjunct Instructor, Goucher College; Johns Hopkins University; Loyola College; University of Maryland/Baltimore County |
Colonial America
Revolutionary America
American Women's History
American History to 1900
American History, 1900-1945
American Masculinities
Cultures of Empire: Power and Rule in the Indian and Plantation American Colonies, 1600-1900
Cities of Dreadful Delight: Gender, Race, and Sexuality in the Americas, 1800-1950
Natives and Strangers: Cultural Encounters in the Americas, 1492-1800
World History, 1500 to the Present
World History, 1800 to the Present
Expository Writing
Making a White Atlantic: Whiteness, Masculinity, and Governance in the English West Indies, 1670-1770, currently under consideration by Cambridge University Press
Rituals of Rulership: The Material Culture of West Indian Politics,
in David S. Shields and Bernard Herman, eds., The Material World of the Tidewater, the Lowcountry, and the Caribbean (University of South Carolina Press, 2004)
A Death in the Morning: The Murder of Daniel Parke, Antigua, 1710,
in Robert A. Olwell and Alan Tully, eds., Creolean Complexities: Adaptation and Provincialism in the Shaping of Colonial British America (Johns Hopkins University Press, 2004)
Voices and Silences: The Problem of Slave Testimony in the English West Indian Law Court,
Slavery and Abolition (December 2003)
Sex, Sexuality, and Social Control in the Eighteenth-Century English Leeward Islands,
in Merril D. Smith, ed., Sex and Sexuality in Colonial America, 1492-1800 (New York University Press, 1998)
'Tomb of the Blissful Man': The Jewish Community of Nevis in the Seventeenth and Eighteenth Centuries,
Working Paper 98026, International Seminar on the History of the Atlantic World, 1500-1800 (Harvard University, 1998)
Book Reviews
Review of Elaine Forman Crane, Killed Strangely: The Death of Rebecca Cornell, Journal of American Studies (forthcoming)
Review of Joyce E. Chaplin, Subject Matter, and John E. Crowley, The Sensibility of Comfort, H-ALBION (March 2003)
Review of J.W. Orderson, Creoleana, Society for Caribbean Studies Newsletter 50 (Autumn 2002)
Review of Stewart R. King, Blue Coat or Powdered Wig, Journal of Colonialism and Colonial History (April 2002)
Review of Andrew O'Shaughnessy, An Empire Divided, Journal of Colonialism and Colonial History (April 2001)
Review of Helen Thomas, Romanticism and Slave Narratives, and Audrey Fisch, American Slaves in Victorian England, Modern Language Notes 115:5 (January 2001)
Review of Alison Games, Migration and the English Atlantic World, International History Review 23:1 (March 2001)
Review of Camilla Townsend, Tales of Two Cities, Maryland Historical Magazine 95:4 (Winter 2000)
Review of James Walvin, Fruits of Empire, The Eighteenth Century: A Current Bibliography (1998)
Commissioned Entries in Reference Works
Encyclopaedia of African-American History: Slave food
Encyclopaedia of British-American Relations: Darien; Caribbean slave rebellions
New Dictionary of National Biography: Philip Bell; Robert Bolling; Anne Brodbelt; Edward Doyley; Thomas Gates; Bevil Granville; Roger Ludlow; Charles Lyttelton; John Nanfan; Francis Daniel Pastorius
American National Biography: Henry duPont; Medgar Evers; Jean Lafitte; John O'Mahony; Enoch Pratt
2003 | Overseas Conference Travel Grant, The British Academy |
John D. Rockefeller, Jr. Library Research Fellowship, The Colonial Williamsburg Foundation | |
Andrew Mellon Foundation Fellowship, Virginia Historical Society | |
Conference Travel Grant, Department of History, University of Manchester | |
2002 | National Endowment for the Humanities Fellowship, for attendance at a Summer Research Institute on "Space and Society in the Early Modern Atlantic World" Overseas Conference Travel Grant, The British Academy |
Conference Travel Grant, Department of History, University of Manchester | |
2001 | Research and Graduate Support Unit Small Grant, University of Manchester |
Conference Travel Grants, Department of History, University of Manchester | |
1999 | Conference Travel Grant, The Frederick Jackson Turner Fund |
1998 | Seminar Attendance Travel Grant, Harvard University |
1997 | Mellon Research Fellowship, The Huntington Library |
1996 | Research Travel Grant, The Frederick Jackson Turner Fund |
1995 | Grant-in-Aid, The Folger Institute Center for New World Comparative Studies Fellowship, John Carter Brown Library |
1994 | Summer Research Fellowship, National Archives Foundation Institute for Global Studies Summer Research Grant |
1993 | Ford Foundation/Women's Studies Conference Travel Grant |
1992 | Four-Year Tuition Fellowship, Department of History, Johns Hopkins University |
2004 | 'Every Social and Private Virtue': Samuel Martin and Imperial Masculinity,American Society for Eighteenth-Century Studies |
Fictions of Class in a Colonial West Indian World, Early Modern History Seminar, Durham University (invited paper) | |
2003 | Yeomen or 'Grandy-Men'?: Class Struggle and Land Distribution in a West Indian Plantation Society,conference on Class and Class Struggles in North America and the Atlantic World, 1500-1800,Montana State University and Institute of Commonwealth Studies Seminar, University of London (invited paper) |
Invited participant, Needs and Opportunities for the Study of the British West Indies To 1834,The John Carter Brown Library | |
The Virginia Career of Daniel Parke, British Association for American Studies | 2002 | Symbolic Governance in the Colonial British American World, Early Modern History Seminar, Cambridge University (invited paper) |
Creating the Caribbean City,conference on Crossroads of Cultures: Companies, Cities, Nations, and Identities in the Colonial Greater Caribbean,University of St. Andrews (invited paper) | |
Rituals of Rulership: The Material Culture of West Indian Politics, conference on The Material Culture of the Tidewater, the Lowcountry, and the Caribbean,College of Charleston | |
West Indian Taverns as Sites of Working-Class Sociability and Resistance,Southern Labor Studies Conference on the Making of the Atlantic Working Class | |
Masculinity and Genteel Identity in the Eighteenth-Century English Atlantic,Rothermere Institute for American Studies, Oxford University (invited paper) | |
Voices and Silence: Slaves as Witnesses, Society for Caribbean Studies, Northern Network Seminar, University of Manchester | |
2001 | Spaces of Authority, conference on Translatio in Europe and the Atlantic World, 1500-1750: Migration and Acculturation,University of Aberdeen |
'To be allowed their Liberty as Englishmen': Politics, Honour, and the Rights of Englishmen in the Eighteenth-Century English West Indies, conference on Libertarianism and Anti-Statism,Manchester Metropolitan University | |
Testimonial Chiaroscuro: Race and Gender in English West Indian Law Courts,Omohundro Institute of Early American History and Culture annual conference | |
2000 | A Death in the Morning: The Murder of Daniel Parke,American Society for Eighteenth-Century Studies (ASECS) annual conference |
1999 | The Politics of Reputation in the English Caribbean: The Trial of John Barbot, 1753,Society of Early Americanists inaugural conference |
1998 | Invited seminar participant, The Rights of Englishmen in the Seventeenth- and Eighteenth-Century West Indies,The Liberty Fund |
University of Manchester: Organiser of departmental seminar; director of departmental library facilities; member of Library Committee; member of American Studies subcommittee; member of Faculty of Arts Teaching Assistant Working Group; exam scrutiniser for Economic and Social History; director of American exchange programme
Johns Hopkins University: President of History Graduate Students' Association; editor of university-wide graduate student handbook; member of Women's History Month steering committee
Book review editor and founding list member, H-Atlantic listserv
Manuscript reviewer, Oxford University Press
Article referee, William and Mary Quarterly; Wadabagei: A Journal of the Caribbean and its Diaspora
Programme committee member, British Association of American Studies Annual Conference:
Manchester, UK, April 2004; OIEAHC/Cambridge Conference in Early American History, Cambridge, UK, September 2003
Successfully completed the Teaching and Learning Course for New Academic Staff, accredited by the United Kingdom Institute for Learning and Teaching in Higher Education
Member, American Historical Association; Omohundro Institute of Early American History and Culture (OIEAHC)
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