B. Taithe & T. Thornton
Propaganda a misnomer
of rhetoric and persuasion? 1-26
Part One: State Building and Propaganda
S. Gaunt
Visual propaganda
in England in the later middle ages. 27-40
T. Thornton
Propaganda, political
communication and the problem of English responses to the introduction
of printing. 41-60
K. Currey
Themes of power and
identity in the court festivals of ducal Lorraine, 1563-1624.
Part Two: The Age of Revolutions: From Dynasties to Ideologies
S. Murdoch
The Search for northern
allies: Stuart and Cromwellian propagandists and protagonists in Scandinavia,
1649-60. 79-96
L. Kontler
Superstition, enthusiasm
and propagandism: Burke and Gentz on the nature of the French Revolution.
M. Rowe
Forging 'New Frenchmen':
State propaganda in the Rhineland, 1794-1814. 115-30
G. Watkins
Selling Bonapartism
or simply selling copies? The Napoleonic legend and popular Almanacs.
Part Three: Gendering and embodying propaganda
M. F. Cross
Flora Tristan's socialist
propaganda in provincial France, 1843-4: the relationship between propaganda,
identity and political rhetoric in Flora Tristan's campaign for a workers'
union. 151-66
K. Hunt & J. Hannam
Propagandising as
socialist women: the case of the women's columns in British socialist newspapers,
1884-1914. 167-82
R. Davidson
VD propaganda, sexual
hygiene and the state in interwar Scotland. 183-202
Part Four: War and Propaganda
B. Taithe
Rhetoric, propaganda
and memory: framing the Franco-Prussian war. 203-22.
T. Bowman
The Irish recruiting
and anti-recruiting campaigns, 1914-1918. 223-38
M. Jolly
Between ourselves:
the letter as propaganda. 239-64
Part Five: Interwar and Ideology
P.J. Beck
Projecting an image
of a great nation on the world screen through Football: British cultural
propaganda between the wars. 265-84
G. Barnfield
The novel as propaganda:
revising the debate. 285-306
Part Six: The Age of Communication and Persuasion
N.J. Cull
Projecting Jackie:
Kennedy administration film propaganda overseas in Leo Seltzer's Invitation
to India, Invitation to Pakistan and Jacqueline Kennedy's Asian
Journey (1962). 307-26.
P. Taylor
Third wave info-propaganda:
psychological operations in the post-cold war era. 327-43
B. Taithe & T. Thornton
Bibliographical essay.